Articles for category: Motivational


In a good and difficult week

Only occasionally I share results of my trades. This week has been an important success in the lead up to the BREXIT referendum. The markets have been wild, to say the least. But in trading we like ‘wild’. I’ve used the ‘stealth trading system’ – and this last week was a pretty good test, playing 30min to 1H ...


Like playing rock guitar – Cesar Huesca

This could well be about playing piano or any other musical instrument. Trading is about developing a passion, persistence, pressing forward, practicing, making mistakes, living your dream. The same goes for those who excel and music. I only came across Cesar Huesca  by accident on YouTube. Other than that, I don’t know the guy from ...

My personal mantra

The following is my personal mantra. It lives on my desktop. It is updated on my desktop as necessary. Others may modify to suit their individual needs, as this is not prescriptive. READ AND REPEAT THIS A FEW TIMES PER WEEK. Whilst all of the following may seem very simple and logical, they represent all of ...

Indecent proposal

I’m very much a student of human nature. That often leads me to conversations with people on all sorts of things. My story today is motivated by a few things this week. Firstly I had yet another brief conversation with a taxi driver. He took me from home to my local train station. I was ...

Profit from panic?

The chart below is most interesting and amusing. Clearly a bunch of people thought that this stock was gonna collapse so they put in orders to sell at the earnings release. They got it wrong. Read on. The one hour chart shows the madness better. But why did price decide to rise at the bottom ...

Somebody to teach me

Can anybody teach you how to have a first major sexual experience? Chrysst! Do you go to mum or dad and say ‘teach me’? Does reading a book or video on it actually teach you much? I’m afraid this graphic example is only to suggest that you can read all about it – but doing ...

No pain no gain

How’s about a £5000 loss in a matter of minutes – yes that’ll be painful to most people. I’m sure you’ll read on – but learn from this. Let my pain be our gain. Too often traders talk only about strings of significant wins, and losses are under-represented. I break that ‘rule’ right here. The ...

The enemies–the fuller list

The list of enemies is probably the most important thing for all new traders. In other posts I’ve referred to ‘the enemies’ within. The fact of the matter is that the obstacles and failures in trading are due to the hidden enemies. These are enemies in the mind. Sometimes they’re not ‘so hidden’. Traders may ...

Tough enough?

Financial trading of whatever type is a very difficult ‘game’ to play for a number of reasons. When you’re faced with an insurmountable obstacle, when you’re losing, when you feel rotten at doing something for months on end – especially something new and well outside of you usual zone of comfort – what do you ...