Articles for author: SniperElite


A strategy: using Earnings Release dates

The following is one of many strategies that can be used to maximise the chances of making winning trades. As always strategies are tools, how they are used depends on individual judgement, after gaining the requisite knowledge, skill and experience (clicking diagrams – two below – opens larger views). See also NASDAQ Earnings Calendar. Results ...

Tough enough?

Financial trading of whatever type is a very difficult ‘game’ to play for a number of reasons. When you’re faced with an insurmountable obstacle, when you’re losing, when you feel rotten at doing something for months on end – especially something new and well outside of you usual zone of comfort – what do you ...


The Hawaiian Holdings (HA) set up

This is analysis of Hawaiian Holdings (Airlines). Importantly the total collective psychology of investors is represented in the market at the snapshot. The stock is pretty strong in it’s growth. Industry gurus are mixed about whether it should be a buy or a sell, though forecasts are favourable in the longer term. That’s okay, if one ...


Trading Idea–AAL

Airline stocks have been predicted to rise over the next year, and over the next quarter of 2015. This is due to a positive change in seating-density regulations more than oil price being low. See article in Seeking Alpha.


Another way

The following charts tell of a possible other way of increasing the probability of making winning trades. In essence it is about interpreting what’s happening to the price of stock as they approach quarterly earnings releases and reports. Pictures below can be clicked for a larger view (and you may need to zoom in (and ...


Financial trading–what’s that?

‘Who’s this guy?’ – you may ask yourself (video below). Financial trader? That’s somebody who trades in stocks and shares – right? The short answer is ‘no’. Whilst the term may include ‘stocks and shares’ it doesn’t exclusively. It’s like asking, “Do cars (automobiles) have four wheels?” The answer may seem simple – but some ...


Too honest to be true

Alessio Rastani shook up awareness about banking and government  in 2011. His honesty was so good that he was accused of being a hoaxer. Who is Alessio Rastani and why you haven’t heard of him before? I dunno why? Perhaps you’ve been too busy shopping, walking dogs, don’t spend time on that ‘evil thing’ called ...



I’ve been thinking outside the box on Morrison’s (MRX). This is not a recommendation for any one to trade on this (at this time). The above is the whole overview of MRX over the years. Certainly from Feb 2014, it’s gone south big time. But I’m observing a few things on MRX: 1. It has ...


The Alibaba effect

This could well be the Google effect – ever so often an unrecognised ‘giant’ turns up. For those who do not know Alibaba – straight out of China to the West – dwarfs Amazon and Ebay put together!! What’s so great about that? This is a tremendous investment opportunity. Oops.. the moment I’ve said that, ...


Good videos for new spreadbetters

Most new traders are excited by the opportunity to make loadsah money. But think – chief execs of most organisations are making loadsah money in their wages. However, the time, effort and discipline involved in getting there is quite a lot. Spreadbetting is not a ‘get rich quick’ scheme. For most people it will be ...