The following is one of many strategies that can be used to maximise the chances of making winning trades. As always strategies are tools, how they are used depends on individual judgement, after gaining the requisite knowledge, skill and experience (clicking diagrams – two below – opens larger views). See also NASDAQ Earnings Calendar.
Results of the above strategy – when applied properly.
Tough – I can’t teach how to apply a strategy and I won’t. It is about knowledge, skill and experience (KSE) applied in the framework of the strategy. What that means is that if you don’t have the KSE, you’re likely to bust and then go in a sing-song disgruntled way, “Your strategy doesn’t work for me!.. You’re a hoaxer!” And I’ll just say, “You expect people to give you a ready made recipe for becoming a millionaire. I never promised you a rose garden! You’re a loser – get lost before you lose more! ” I never said that my strategy will work ‘for you’.
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