Articles for tag: video, analysis, patterns, trend


DAX v EURO correlation

Correlation is about how certain things are related. Some instruments are inversely correlated i.e. if price goes up on one, then price tends to go down on another. Positive correlation  means they move in the same direction. It is almost never the case that there is perfect correlation between two instruments. Interestingly the DAX (GER30) ...


Trading with Guppy

When you say ‘Guppy’, most people think of the fish. So, I’ve put up an image of the fish – but this has more to do with ‘fishing’ than with fish. Very strange indeed. I have to admit I saw his system many months ago and at that time when I saw ‘Guppy trading’, I ...

Indecent proposal

I’m very much a student of human nature. That often leads me to conversations with people on all sorts of things. My story today is motivated by a few things this week. Firstly I had yet another brief conversation with a taxi driver. He took me from home to my local train station. I was ...


What’s a good stop-loss?

It’s a question that’s impossible to answer as it depends on several things – and each trade is different, as many things affect a particular instrument you’re trading. [An instrument is a stock (aka equity), commodity, forex, or whatever]. The really big and most important point of a stop-loss is to limit losses and limit ...


Basics of the Forex Markets

The Forex (foreign exchange) markets are the biggest and most liquid in the world. Every day about 4 Trillion US dollars (USD) are turned over on that market. Compare that with 50 Billion/d on the New York Stock Exchange and the GDP of the UK/yr being 2.9 Trillion USD. A UK Trillion is 1000 Billions. ...


The market sniper-elite–videos

Francis Hunt (aka the ‘the market sniper’) is in a series of excellent video interviews on YouTube. Don’t miss this. This is absolutely golden stuff for all new traders – and even experienced traders. Time spent on this could be worth millions!! The full series is here. He talks about his interests and sports ...