Articles for tag: stalking, opportunity, losses, analysis, patterns

Bitcoin: Investor, trader, gambler or idiot?

In the last few months we’ve received inquiries from several about Bitcoin and various similar things, often referred to as cryptocurrencies. In essence many of these folk are the ones who missed out on making millions by not buying a few Bitcoin when it was dirt cheap. Now, they don’t want to make the same ...

On luck, chance and prediction

In several posts the issue of luck and chance were touched on. There is a need to explore this further, as many who know little about financial trading believe it’s largely about luck and chance. Introduction It is important that words like luck and chance are defined here. Luck as a concept is outlined in the ...

AUDUSD – bearish

AUDUSD is at this time at a potentially critical point. The charts will need much further study. This is not a recommendation to take a position. DISCLAIMER: The information provided herein is opinion only. Under no circumstances do any statements here represent a recommendation to buy or sell securities or make any kind of investment. ...


EURUSD – learning from reflection

Hindsight is a wonderful thing. We can learn lessons but in doing so there is a risk of the coulda-shoulda-woulda phenomenon. The following charts show some interesting features in EURUSD. Any lessons there should be applied cautiously. 


Stalking GBPJPY and AUDUSD.

The chart with annotations below shows some interesting possibilities. Price may or may not reach the striking zone in the charts below. They don’t mind if the prey escapes and moves on for a while; they’ll catch um another time!!  Good snipers wait in the ‘bush’, stalking their prey for a high probability ‘kill’ conditions. ...

Looking again at Earnings Releases

This recent bounce on DEERE & CO has got me looking again at Earnings Releases.   For those who would play ER’s a Guaranteed stop maybe advisable (cost of this need to be factored into the equation) or Reward to Risk ratios. Alternatively no guaranteed stops may be taken but risk of significant slippage would ...


How following a trend can work

The chart below shows an ideal situation. In this example the trend was entered quite late. Caution: ideal does not mean representative of all trades. To learn more study the chart, where it is accepted that a very high percentage of setups will fail/lose. This is a game about losing but it’s not for losers! ...


Who the devil is Aroon?

Aroon is not a ‘who’. Aroon is an indicator of momentum in the markets. But it does more than show momentum. It is about time-momentum which is a novel and under-appreicated concept. The Aroon was developed by Tushar Chande  (PhD in Engineering and MBA at the time). In 1995 Chande first published his ideas on ...


Trend continuation and trend following

The terms ‘trend continuation’ and ‘trend following’ have caused me some confusion for quite some time until about 6 months ago. The first obvious difficulty is the use of the words themselves. It’s natural to think that if a trend is continuing then you must be following it. But the two techniques are rather different. ...